The Almoner
The Almoner is an historic role within Livery Companies and the WCI’s Almoner is on hand to support and advise members.
The Almoner of the company oversees the well-being of the members, in particular those who may be suffering from serious illness or are isolated. He can provide a vital channel for communication and facilitate mutual support. In cases of real need, limited financial support can be provided though this is more the function of the Insurance Charities (see below) whose resources for this purpose are much larger.
The current Almoner is David Sales, a Past Master, and he can be contacted by email.
The Insurance Charity
The Insurance Charity is the only charity for the UK and Irish insurance industry, providing support for current and former insurance employees and their dependants. Established in the City of London in 1902 as The Insurance Clerks Orphanage, there have been a few name changes and mergers over the years, but its mission has stayed the same, to provide financial help and practical assistance to insurance industry employees and their families for as long as it might be needed.
Last year it awarded over £1.4 million to support insurance people in need for things such as property adaptations, funeral expenses, furniture and household appliances.
You can apply:
- if you are a current or former insurance employee.
- if you are in receipt of a pension or deferred pension following employment in the sector.
- if you are a dependant of a current or former insurance employee, as above.
It is an independent charity and applicants do not need to be members of the CII or any other insurance related body or association and all applications are handled in the strictest confidence.
Employment within the industry can be in any role and is not restricted to specific insurance careers such as underwriting or broking.
In addition to financial help (including charitable loans) the charity provides practical support.
If you would like to find out more about our membership please click here.
Further information on membership can be obtained from the Clerk to the Company at