About Us
Incorporated as The Company of Insurers, we were granted Livery status in October 1979 to become the Worshipful Company of Insurers. Our Livery status, awarded only three months after the Company’s incorporation, is something of a record and an endorsement of the position that the insurance industry holds within the City of London.
Now with over 520 members (over 146 Freemen and more than 355 Liverymen) drawn from professions across the insurance industry, we share a rich tradition with London’s Livery Companies of promoting excellence within our industry, while working to help and contribute to the City Civic in London and the wider community.

We strive to:
Promote the excellence of the insurance industry, while providing business and social networking opportunities for our members in the unique and pageant filled setting of a Livery Company.
Help any of our members (current or retired) who may be suffering hardship, as well as their dependents.
Fundraise for education projects, scholarships, prizes and research in relation to the insurance industry, as well as for other charitable purposes where our activities can make a real difference.
Work with and contribute to the Chartered Insurance Institute and other societies connected with the insurance industry (these could be professional societies or ones with a social or benevolent purpose).
Support and encourage the highest standards of professional practice and ethical behaviour within the insurance industry.
Play a full and active role in the City Civic, supporting the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of the City of London in promoting the City and its financial services sector. We are also members of the Financial Services Group of Livery Companies.
If you would like to find out more about our membership please click here.
Further information on membership can be obtained from the Clerk to the Company at