How to Join Us
New members to The Worshipful Company of Insurers are very welcome. Why not consider joining us? Click here for our Membership Leaflet.
Membership of The Worshipful Company of Insurers can be a rewarding, enjoyable and career-enhancing experience. It’s a rare opportunity to step outside the daily routine of corporate life and meet professionally and socially with your industry peers in a unique environment.
We exist to promote excellence within the insurance industry but also place great emphasis on the philanthropic contribution we can make to the wider community in the finest traditions of London’s Livery Companies. And where else would you have the opportunity to take an active part in the colourful pageantry and ancient customs of the City of London that only a Livery Company can offer?

Become a member
All new applicants are expected to be professionally qualified in insurance and/or have the necessary experience from having held senior management, or academic positions where insurance has played a prominent part, for instance as a lawyer or an accountant. In addition to an annual membership fee – traditionally called Quarterage – plus a one off joining fee, there is also a commitment to make a modest annual contribution to support the work of the Company’s charitable trust.
Every Livery Company has two categories of membership: Freemen/women and Liverymen/women

Becoming a Freeman/woman
The first membership step is to apply to become a Freeman/woman of the Company, which means you must be proposed and seconded by two Liverymen/women. A Freeman/woman may attend most of the Company’s events and bring guests.
A Freeman/woman will also usually wish to apply to become a Freeman/woman of the City of London. Membership of this exclusive group is conducted at a private ceremony in the Guildhall to which family and friends can be invited. Gaining the Freedom of the City is a necessary step if you wish to progress to become a Liveryman/woman.
Becoming a Liveryman/woman
A Liveryman/woman is a full member of the Company. As we are limited, like every Livery Company, to 400 Liverymen/women by the Court of Aldermen, progression to the Livery is subject to selection and vacancies.
You must first gain the recommendation of the Membership Committee and approval of the Court by demonstrating that you have been playing an active part in the Company. Once ’clothed in the Livery’ you are entitled, after a period, to additional honours such as eligibility to vote for the Lord Mayor of London.
Only Liverymen/women may become Court Assistants, and this again is by invitation. Once on the Court – our governing body – you then have the opportunity to be elected as a Warden and ultimately, Master of the Company.
Some Masters of the Worshipful Company of Insurers have gone on to become Sheriffs or Lord Mayor of the City of London.
Becoming an Associate
The Associate programme is an opportunity for younger members to experience the livery at a reduced cost for up to two years before deciding whether to progress to full membership and become a Freeman/woman.
The Associate programme is run through our section for younger members – iENGAGE – which runs informal network events and offers career development support.