iENGAGE Quarterly Connect
Date: Wednesday, 19th March 2025
Time: 17:30 - 21:30
Venue: City of London Club, 19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DS
Price: FREE
Book NowWe are excited to announce the launch of the Quarterly Connect, a new event series run by iENGAGE on behalf of its members. The purpose of this event is to foster fellowship and provide a dedicated time and space for members to catch up with one another.
While the Quarterly Connect is primarily aimed at members of iENGAGE, all WCI members are welcome to attend. Additionally, guest(s) will also be welcome however, we encourage you to check in with Martin Burdett or Samantha Lydon first.
Location: City of London Club
19 Old Broad Street
Ready to book?
Please complete the booking by clicking the button opposite and secure your place(s). Places may be limited so please book early.
Price: FREE
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