WCI Backs The Brokerage Generation 2020 Fund
Written by David Worsfold on 05th May 2020

The Worshipful Company of Insurers has pledged its support to The Brokerage’s new Generation 2020 Fund.
The fund has been launched in response to the enormous challenges young people at the crucial point in their lives between education and work currently face with the world reeling in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Brokerage, which the WCI has supported for over ten years, is uniquely well-placed to step in and help.
“Generation 2020 is at risk of becoming a ‘lost generation’ if we don’t act fast” , says The Brokerage. “This is particularly true for young people from non-privileged backgrounds that we know will suffer the most. With an unprecedented economic future ahead, those families in lower income and less secure jobs will be the hardest hit. Our young people often have caring responsibilities, less access to technologies and need the support of the educational structure they are now missing. They don’t have the networks that will allow them to access professional jobs without the support of the education system and they also risk faring worse than their more privileged peers when missing out on exams”.
“I’d like to say thank you to the Worshipful Company of Insurers for their incredible donation of £10,000 to the Generation 2020 Fund. We are especially grateful for the support we are receiving from our partners which will make a difference to a whole generation of young people in our community”, said Katerina Rudiger, CEO of The Brokerage.
John Young, Chair of the Worshipful Company of Insurers Charitable Trust, commented: “The Brokerage is an amazing organisation and we have been privileged to be among its major supporters for many years. When we heard that The Brokerage had launched its Generation 2020 Fund we had no hesitation in deciding that we wanted to contribute in a meaningful way.”
Since the launch of the Fund two weeks ago it has received additional donations from the Lloyd’s Community Programme, Societe Generale UK Foundation and PineBridge Investments. These have enabled it to launch a series of live webinars hosted by employers advising on what career opportunities are open to young people in the City and how to apply for jobs. It is planning to extend its support with the addition of workshops, masterclasses and mentoring, especially as the current lockdown is eased.
Read more about the Generation 2020 Fund