Livery Chaplain Sends Message of Support and Comfort
Written by David Worsfold on 07th April 2020
The Rev Canon David Parrott, who is Guild Vicar of St Lawrence Jewry next Guildhall and Chaplain to the Worshipful Company of Insurers, has recorded a special message of support and comfort for all the members of the 11 Livery Companies to which he is Chaplain.
He says that he continues to pray for each and every one of the 11 Livery Companies and for the wider community on the City of London. He says that the Five Cs he has often preached on are as relevant in this crisis as they have ever been: Craft, Charity, City, Comradeship and Church.
The message concludes with a promise to keep praying for all of us and to be available as a resource to assist anyone in dire need.