Karl Jarvis takes the helm as Master

Written by   David Worsfold on   10th October 2024

Karl Jarvis takes the helm as Master

Karl Jarvis was installed as Master of the Worshipful Company of Insurers for 2024-25 at Common Hall – the company’s annual meeting – last night.

He will be supported in his year by Sara Fardon as Senior Warden and Ajay Gupta as Junior Warden (pictured flanking Karl).

At the meeting in Painters’ Hall, the Master set out his theme for the year – Levelling up the Playing Field – which will focus on creating greater accessibility to career opportunities in insurance.

He explained to members that there would be three distinct elements to this, which he couched in a cycling analogy as the spokes of his wheel:

“Spoke one: Newham Borough Council – a very impoverished borough. I want to work with existing charities and Newham College to see if we can create more opportunities there”.

“Spoke two: Neurodiversity – having a brain that thinks differently. We know that many firms have recognised that to maximise creativity they need to think more broadly in terms of employee engagement. There are charities in this field and I’m keen to shine a light on this aspect so that we can look forward to not just a more inclusive marketplace but one that is as creative as possible.

“Spoke three: Military Networks. As the son of an Army Royal Engineer and having been around the military most of my early life, it has always been very apparent to me that the military gives great training and we as an industry can benefit from that, in terms of engagement of ex-military personnel.”

He explained that the next few years would be especially exciting for the Company as it expected to support two of the WCI’s senior members into the City’s top job.

“Things are heating up for us in City Civic with our two Insurer Sheriffs recently standing down - Alderwoman Dame Sue Langley and Alderman Bronek Masojada. They and we have had a fantastic year – raising awareness for many good causes and raising substantial sums for those in most need.

“And there is no time to pause for breath over this preparation year for Sue, leading to her taking up the office, next November, as Lady Mayor (subject to election). She has great plans, and we will be there for her this coming year and the next.

“As if that’s not enough, two years later (always subject to election) it will be the era of Lord Mayor Bronek. So, with Sue, Bronek, Alderwoman Jennette Newman and several Common Councillors, what a great time this is to be an Insurer.”

• Two new Courts Assistants – Paolo Cuomo and Ian Clark (pictured with Past Master Claire Burrell) – were appointed at the meeting.

As well as hearing a review of the achievements of the last year from the Past Master, members were also given a comprehensive up-date of the extensive achievements of the charitable and education trusts from the chair of the trusts, Katie Wade (pictured).

• The Master also unveiled his Charity of the Year, Barrow Farm Riding for the Disabled.

“This is a local charity, based in Essex, that clearly makes a big difference for those in need. The charity will be with us on Saturday 9 November at the Lord Mayor’s Show … This charity is personal to me and at the Winter Lunch next year you will hear first-hand from the charity about the exceptional work they do.”

• Pictures by Jonathan Cherry